With Ceramic coatings some people will make you believe ceramic coatings do not scratch, that is far from the truth, just take out a dish from your draw and see if it has scratches, i know that is being extreme. The scratch resistance of Ceramic Coatings is greatly exaggerated for cars, even some people going so far as to call them scratch-proof or resistant to rock chips which is completely false. Some people will also say it will last forever, it is definitely not permanent.Then there the shine factor some claim the shine from ceramic is far greater then normal wax.The truth is the nano coating for cars doesn’t provide the gloss alone – the prep work done underneath it is also crucial. If you have a very faded paint and apply a coating to your car, it will still be faded. So basically you need a good shine to go with your coating, you will also loose some of that special feel a good carnauba wax gives. Saying all that my simple answer go to a professional detailer if that is what you still want, it is not something you should do yourself at home..Last but not least ceramic applications are expensive.
Now carnauba has a achilles heel is that its longevity is about 6 months but the positives out weigh the negatives. Carnauba wax is a protectant and it also creates a hydrophobic surface on the car. The wax is protective of the car paint work and deepens the shine on the surface of the car. From an environmental perspective, Carnauba Wax would be the most appropriate choice since it is a renewable resource. Although, one must also consider where it is being sourced from and how quickly it is being replenished from its natural environment.

A foot note about the importance of the Carnauba tree,
“When everything else around is grey, the Carnauba tree stays green,” says Lara Pontes, describing the ‘tree of life’ as it is called by locals, and how it survives in the semi-arid Caatinga region, a biodiverse area of north-eastern Brazil. Lara serves as President of her family’s fourth generation company, Pontes Indústria de Cera, that processes the wax and sells it to food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies.
Used in products as varied as candy, cosmetics and shoe polish because of its hard and glossy qualities, Carnauba wax comes from trees that grow in the wild and are not cultivated. Local producers cut the leaves and dry them in the sun, a process that does not harm the integrity of the tree or the environment. A fine powder is then extracted from the leaves and taken to local refiners. The crop grows during the dry season, offering much-needed jobs for local communities when there is no rain and fewer opportunities to work in agriculture.
So yes i have a vested interest being that Porzelack Polish has one of the best Carnauba Wax's through O wax. Most important it wont break your bank balance and give you big bank you want for your bucks.
The proof will be in your cars look but as we say at Porzelack Polish .

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